To get the most from the site we recommend that you:

  1. Sign up as a member if you have not already done so… it’s free.
    (Once you have signed up, you will be a member of the Global Health Network community and have access to a range of resources and activities)

  2. Access the Glossary of Terms to know the meanings of the terms included on the hub.

  3. Get involved in different activities!

    1. Stay connected on ARCH by exploring and registering for events that are interesting to you via Events
    2. Register your interest to join the new upcoming Virtual Workspace (Digital Policy Lab)
  4. Explore regional ongoing projects, stakeholders, and updates in Africa, Latin America, and Asia on the Regions page.

  5. Access any of the free tools and resources on ARCH including: 
  6. Visit the Training tab for reports, tools, and templates for workshops and training that have been published by various organisations, relevant for ARCH members.

  7. Visit the Case Studies page to access or share research uptake plans, methodologies, activities, and experiences.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future resources or improvements to the site, feel free to email the coordinators at